SEC FY2021 Results
The Company has released FY2021 Results. Highlights include:
– FY21 net profit after tax of $40.2m, a material turnaround from the net loss in FY20.
– Company NTA performance of +55.5%
– Final dividend of 5.0 cents per share (fully franked). Annual dividend yield equal to 3.5%* (4.8%** including franking).
– FY21 annual dividend of 8.5 cents is an increase of 55% on the FY20 annual dividend of 5.5 cents, in recognition of the strong profit for the year.
– New target dividend yield of 4% of NTA p.a. (5.4% including franking), paid quarterly, for FY22, beginning in the September 2021 quarter.
– On-market share buy-back of $9.9m to date, ($3.1m during FY21), adding 2.8 cents of NTA per share.
Additional information on the Company’s results can be viewed here
*Annualised dividend yield when combined with FY21 interim dividend of 3.5 cents per share, calculated on share price as at 30 June 2021 of $2.40. **Annualised dividend yield when combined with FY21 interim dividend of 3.5 cents per share, calculated on share price as at 30 June 2021 of $2.40 using 26% tax rate.